- Finish cutting out the ivy in the hedge.
- Sort out rose and vine.
- Cut grass.
- Clean out hens.
- Plant potatoes.
- Weed.
Author Archives / Cally
Rochester Dickens Festival
The long lost library of Charles Dickens will be on show in Rochester next weekend 2nd and 3rd of June. This will be a unique opportunity to view the collection of found books, books made by book artists and also Charles Dickens very own make believe books.
Latest news
The Charles Dickens library will be at the Rochester Dickens Festival on 2nd and 3rd June. The library will be on display in the Castle Gardens area!
Summer holidays
hello everyone…..just back from holidaying in France! They like us have been having mixed weather and we chased the sun all the way down to Provence and Nice. As we are on motor bikes there’s not alot of room for loads of stuff so i took abit of wool and some needles and odds and ends of fabric to see what i might end up making as i lazed around the tent.

January 2013
Fabulous frostiness covering everything this morning…cold but very pretty. Been up for ages taking his nibs to work so i can have the car to take the lovely Ruby to the vet for a checkup! Poor little sweetheart was spayed last week and it certainly took the wind out of her sails………..she’s ok now…..running and leaping and leaping and running!
Workwise things are starting to crank up………have a table at BABE but thats not till April but does give me loads of time to pick up on past ideas and make new work and sort out this website!!!! Am thinking to check out the MK Embroiderers and or do a life drawing class….. the only snag being is that some things clash with my……what for it…….morris dancing! So i don’t know yet!

A quick post on a very autumnal morning
Its misty and its damp and there’s a tinge of colour to the leaves…….seems to have happened all too quick………got back from a week in Ireland last week! Visited the Giants Causeway/Bushmills Distillery and Francis Bacons Studio. I think the Guinness tastes better in Dublin………why is that!
I am busy busy busy working for the Manchester Book fair……..and now i must get on!

Book fair news
hello…..lists and more lists and top of the list is to write this blog……….is a glass of wine helping……….hhhmmmm……..4 attempts at writing so perhaps not………my book fair news is that i will be in Manchester on the 13th Oct……….for one day only………hoping to see you there………

Well……..my website is up and running and all…….yes…….all i have to do is get my head round posting and editing and………so for now just a monday morning post after dropping my extraordinaire son to the station. Isn’t he clever!!………so if this goes ok when i hit the post button then i think he’ll be proud of me……..fingers crossed!
Do you know what………i find myself saddened that the olympics is over……….i’m not a great sporting person and was abit anti when we won the games etc etc………but i have much to my amazement enjoyed watching the games……….and London looks so fab-u-lous………!